The pie chart above shows the percentage use of energy from the United States which is a very big capitalist country. By seen this pie chart we can tell that the source of energy they use the most is petroleum. Therefore being a capitalist country forces them to have more industries and use this type of energy that contributes with greenhouse gases to the environment. Petroleum is a non renewable resource therefore it is not as sustainable as other resources that should be used.
The bar graph above shows the difference between the use of energy from a capitalist country. (US) and a communist country (Cuba). We can see that the way their economies are organized affect on the amount of energy they use. Therefore the amount of energy they use reflect on the harm they cause to their environment and what type of resources they use.
As cornucopias we believe that we should use the resources that allow us to have a solid economy now a days rather than focusing on what will benefit us in the future. As humanity progresses so will technology and we will be able to make other resources helpful instead of using resources that aren't as sustainable now a days. We believe that the capitalist are doing the right thing because they are using the resources that will help them economically rather than focusing on its sustainability. In the future we will develop technology and be able to have a strong economy but now a days we should use what is best for us.
As the image above shows burning of fossil fuels its what keeps the economy in the world stable. Therefore we can conclude that we should use what will benefit us today, instead of focusing.
Works Cited:
Ibn Khaldun, Muqaddimah, 2:272-73, quoted in Dieter Weiss (1995), "Ibn Khaldun on Economic Transformation", International Journal of Middle East Studies 27 (1), p. 29-37 [30].
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