The environmental manager philosophy bases on the idea of a balance between the environment and the human specie. We are firm believers that both nature and mankind can coexist peacefully. We understand that mankind has special demands these days and that they are important for our development as specie. However, we understand and recognize the deep relationship we share with the earth. Aldo Leopold believes that our main focus on natural preservation should not be entirely based on our sole convenience. People normally think that the reason for environmental preservation is that all our resources come from there and if we don't have nature, we don't have resources and therefore no money. Another view people have is that nature has a lot of hidden goods for medical purposes for example and if we destroy nature, we might also be destroying something like the cure for cancer or any other thing. The problem with these views is that nature is viewed as another resource to take advantage of. We are entirely seeking for our own benefits. We are using the mentality of a parasite which is to use all we can in one area, and once all we need is over, we move to another area to do the same thing. This mentality has a record from the roman times. They were the ones who started with this mentality and since they became such a big empire, this thought spread all over the world. We shouldn't view nature as just another resource to exploit, but rather as a brother force we shoudln't fight against, but rather work with it. Aldo Leopold is totally right arguing that nature has other big things in it like just a bird song that does so much good to us. It brings peace to our souls, something the system doesn't give us. I know I sound quite a lot as a deep ecologist, but I think the following: The best way to save the environment is to make people love it and accept it as a part of themselves. This can only be achieved by taking people to nature and make them look for ways to benefit from it ( not in a selfish way). I also think that the system provides something good and it is that it can make this idea spread and make people live it. The system allowed us to have all the things we need to go to the environment. Without this, it would be really hard to take regular people to the nature because they are not accustomed to this and for them to take the next step is really hard if it is something so different to their regular life.
"The path to illumination lies in the middle" Siddharta Gautama XD
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